вторник, 28 апреля 2020 г.

15 Rules of Motivation for Harvard Students

Self-Motivation: 5 Easy Steps to Help Reach Your Goals


1. Choose the quote you like best, translate it into Russian and explain why you chose it.

24 комментария:

  1. Very smart and correct sayings. I think it happens to everyone that he gives up or is just too lazy to open a textbook and work out. At such moments I tell myself what I need it for, what it will give me and it helps me. Sometimes it happens that you just want to surpass the rest, be better than others and learn for the sake of it. This is normal, this is one of the incentives for any activity, not only for study. I really liked the quote "Today willnever comeback". And this makes a huge sense, the meaning of almost everything. You need to live every day, every second, because you won’t turn back the clock. Whatever you do, study, speak, cook, you need to do it as well as possible, put all your strength into it, since this moment will not be returned.

  2. Suffering from studying is temporary. Suffering from nescience is infinite.- I chose this quote because it seemed to me most worthwhile. Yes, learning is very difficult, but this process will always be justified. We will become adults, we will work and we will never regret the time spent on studying.
    I would rather spend time studying than being ignorant in the future and blushing for the fact that I don’t know basic things

  3. Each quote has its own special meaning, but most of all I liked «Today will never come back».In fact, it is impossible to return time, it is impossible to correct mistakes made in the past, it is impossible to survive some moments from the past. You do not need to spend your life on the past, which cannot be returned, and on the future, which has not yet arrived. Live here now. Be kind, fall in love, engage in self-development and be useful to others. Магомеднурова Патимат 1к 2группа

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  5. just as every person has their own opinion, each quote contains a special meaning. this special meaning contains the quote "today will never return", it is not for nothing that they say, do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today, because the opportunities that you had at the moment may not be for tomorrow, and the lost time will not be returned. A man can do almost anything, but he has not yet learned to turn back time, and I think he will never be able to do it. And so we must be able to leave the past in the past and live in the present, because the past cannot be returned. here is my opinion about this quote . another person may have a completely different way of understanding this and a completely different idea . as I said at the beginning, each quote has a special meaning, just as each person has their own opinion.

  6. Абдулаева Амина 1кр 1гр ГиМУ
    “Studying is not about time, it is about efforts”
    I chose this particular quote because I really think it’s very true. To be educated, you have to make efforts and endeavour. And without that, we won’t be able to get any results, even if it takes a very long time. When we graduate from high school or university, we can’t call ourselves deeply educated, because we’ve been studying for some time. And for real knowledge, time is not a limit. We receive them thanks to our tenacity and our patience. And, of course, by endeavor. I think you should study for life. 'Cause that’s what they say : « Live and learn»

  7. Махалиева З,1курс,1гр ГиМУ
    Each of these statements can be discussed for a very long time. I think that each of them is a very strong motivator, that each of them is selected in such a way that together they have a proper impact on the students' minds. I especially liked the expression “Suffering from study is temporary. The suffering of ignorance is infinite. ” The expression has a very deep meaning. Indeed, what can we call suffering from study? What do we need a lot of time to learn? Or the fact that sometimes you just don’t want to study? That learning is not always fun? It should be understood that whatever the suffering is, it is temporary. And what are the sufferings of ignorance
    ?Probably the fact that a person regrets that he did not study. Regrets that he wasted his time. That education is still a necessary thing in life. Suffering from failing to get a decent job, finding oneself in this life. And do you think this suffering is also temporary? No, they are not temporary.

  8. " Life is not for studying only, but if you are not able to pass even through this part of the life, what then are you good at, at all? "

    This quote is a little controversial. I'm on the side of a agreement as I think studying is valuable part of our life. It's like a sport for our brains. Real nobel honest studying anything may improve your life, your the world view and even lifestyle and healt! And if you don't try to "pass even through this part of life" you may lose a motivation for something different due to everything in our life is on the harmony.

  9. When I was at school, I was interested in graphology. I took the notebooks of my classmates and compared them. and really the handwriting was very similar to the character of my classmates themselves. this is really interesting because you can learn about a person's handwriting without even talking to them.

  10. Ульчибекова Гюзель, 1 к, 1 гр , ГиМУ

    All quotes have a deep meaning. I liked the quote best: "Exertion and efforts can be pleasant, as well". I agree with that. This phrase means that by doing the job now, by putting the most effort into it , you can have fun in the future, enjoy the results of your efforts . And then the work we have done does not seem so stressful .

  11. Абдулмуслимова Мадина 1кр 1гр ГиМУ
    9. Time slips past.
    I chose this phrase because it really is. Time flies imperceptibly as it is filled with events, and joyful events. When it is filled with interesting events, it seems that everything goes quickly, and remembering it as the past seems like it lasted a very long time. Time that is not filled with events seems long when it is moving and short when we think about it afterwards. Just the speed of time depends on the mood, on who you spend your time with because this is also important. Depression, illness, and loneliness make us perceive the passage of time as painfully long. The same applies to communicating with unpleasant people. I'm a student. And for me, most of the time passes unnoticed from the fact that I spend all my time on the usual routine activities.


  12. 15.Only sweating will you be earning.
    The meaning of this quote is that a person will earn only when he will work and give everything one hundred percent. If desired, a person can achieve anything he wants, but only if he works for it

  13. МАГОМЕДОВА МАДИНА 1 к 2 гр "Suffering from studying is temporary. Suffering from nescience is infinite." I chose this quote because I think that: An educated person is a person with a core inside. Responsible, purposeful, courageous - he will never get into a corner from everyday problems, such a person has his own personal principles and his own eternal goal in life. Naturally, a person is known over time, during communication, however, ignorance is very easy to determine. An uneducated person is the exact opposite of the above. It is surrounded by walls of fear and suspense, public opinion and stereotypes. The boundaries of his comfort zone will by no means expand, and problems will play the role of a compelling reason for failure.

  14. Ханмагомедова Майсарат 1 курс, 2 группа
    Each phrase was beautiful in its own way, but the one I liked best was "Today will never come back."
    Therefore, do not put off the things that you like to do. You never know when it might be too late.((

  15. Солтаналиева Н 1к 1гр ГиМУ
    The recipe for happiness is simple. He lies in the ability of a man to thank and not torment himself with envy.
    I liked the quote. Why? Because it is very relevant in our time. Many devote their whole lives to the pursuit of luxury, and ideal life because of simple envy. On Instagram, many bloggers or other famous people show themselves from the ideal side, hiding their shortcomings. By this they envy others. But because of this, the individuality of everyone is lost.
    Beside this, people shouldn't too exalt themselves, be too proud. At times, ordinary simplicity can change a lot. It corners gratitude. People need to at least sometimes thank for their kindness. Because without kindness there will be no peace in the world.

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  17. "Only those who do everything before , only those who make an effort, can be truly satisfied with their success."
    "Только те , кто выполняет все раньше , только те , кто прилагает усилия, могут быть по-настоящему довольны своим успехом."
    It is this habit that can accelerate your success. ... If you don't have time to exercise now, sooner or later you will still start doing them to maintain your health. You can do sports not only in gyms, but also at home. Daily practice. The more one practices, the more successful one becomes. After all, luck is that place where practice meets possibilities. Without practice, it is impossible to Express your talent.

  18. Even now, your enemies are greedily turning the pages of books. I liked that quote. As long as we rest, the enemy is not asleep. After all, to defeat the enemy, you need to develop and improve.After all, power is in knowledge.There are 15 more rules here they are:
    A day wasted creates an abyss of meaningless days.

    Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

    The source of poor learning is not lack of time, but lack of perseverance.

    Happiness is not a merit, but a success.

    Enjoy suffering if you can't avoid it.

    The score is proportional to the time spent studying.

    Impossibility is an excuse for those who don't try.

    If you don't come today, you'll come running tomorrow.

    There is no moment closer to success than when you think it's over.

    The academic community is money.

    There is no success without pain.

    Don't doze off, go to sleep.

    The most important thing happens when others are asleep.

    Let your eyelids close, and the future will pass you by.

    An extra hour of study will determine your future spouse


  19. Исламов Омар 1кр 1гр ГиМУ

    Motivation is very important in life. All these quotes are correct. But in my opinion, the most motivating of them is "not to return today", because it does not allow you to put things off for tomorrow and live the day to good use

  20. Солтаналиева Н 1к 1гр ГиМУ
    I liked saying " Only those who fulfill everything earlier, only those who expend efforts, can be truly delighted with their success ". Why? Because it's a complete truth. Efforts help a person achieve the desired result. Efforts help to succeed. In addiction, efforts temper a person, give him a certain life experience and make him strong. Without making an effort, a person will not be able to achieve anything in life. Because success, glory, money doesn't fall from heaven.

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  22. Suffering from studying is a temporary difficulty that I think everyone should overcome. Without learning anything, we will not have a worthy future. As Lenin said: "Learn, study and study again," and then everything will be fine. After all, knowledge will never hurt us. Yes, learning is very difficult, but this process will always be justified. We will become adults, we will work and we will never regret the time spent on studying.

  23. Абубакарова П. ГиМУ 1гр.1к.ФУ.
    "Only those who fulfill everything earlier, only those who expend efforts, can be truly delighted with their success". It’s like a rule of thumb.I think procrastination is a problem for most people, especially young people.Many fail only to regress from postponing important matters, forgetting that we are all mortal and can simply not make it. Rules "times slips past" and "slaver today will turn into tears tomorrow" only confirms my judgment.

  24. Various studies around the world have shown that if a person is constantly active mentally, it becomes a key factor on the way to a long and healthy life. Scientists have also proven that people who are active in the brain are much less likely to suffer from memory loss or from Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. An example of people of such activity can be theatrical figures — actors, Actresses. They are constantly learning the most complex texts for their performances. They can work on their favorite stage until old age, and their minds remain bright and clear.

    You need to understand that only by making an effort and allocating some time for development from absolutely every day, you can achieve results. If acting is not for you, you can, for example, learn any foreign language, which is always useful in the journey to your long and healthy life.
