четверг, 16 апреля 2020 г.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II Gives Coronavirus Speech

21 комментарий:

  1. It's a tough time for all the people on the planet, the virus does not spare anyone. The queen said very nice words, described the emotions that we all experience. People come together to save people.
    Everyone should think about what awaits us in the future. The pride in who we are is not a part of our past it defines our present and future. All we have to do is stay at home on self-isolation because while we have challenges before, this one is different. Thanks to all the doctors for their hard work. If we remain united and resolute, then we were able to win. Quoting the Queen: «WE ALL SUCCED AND THAT SUCCES WILL BELOND EVERY ONE OF US».
    Stay at home and remember – Better day will return!

  2. Thanks to the dedicated work of doctors, our fellow citizens can be cured of a new type of disease. And I would like to say thank you to the doctors and all the medical workers on whose shoulders the struggle against the spread of the coronavirus is now. Doctors are the heroes of our time. The Queen also expressed appreciation to the National Health Service and emphasized the important role that every member of the community plays.

  3. Абдулаева Амина 1кр 1гр ГиМУ
    These are really hard times. All people just need to understand what’s really good for them. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how serious this situation can be around the world. And that only self-containment will help us get out of it,easing the huge amount of medical workers without it. I’m certainly grateful to them. Because they risked their lives and sacrificed their loved ones,work tirelessly, saving lives. And I can safely call them heroes who, without any ulterior motive or purpose, save us from this pandemic.

  4. Ульчибекова Гюзель 1к, 1гр, ГиМУ
    This is a difficult time for all of us. A time when normal life has turned into a grief. Many people are experiencing financial difficulties . I would like to express my gratitude to the national health system, social workers and other services who are taking risks for us and fighting for our lives . People who stay at home make a huge contribution to the fight against the pandemic. By doing so, they protect the vulnerable and spare many families the pain. Only by combining our strength and unity can we defeat the virus!

  5. Солтаналиева Н. 1к 1гр ГиМУ
    I agree with her in many ways. Difficult times have come now, when people staying at home can save the world. Unfortunately, there are many infected and dead. To reduce this numbers, people need to follow the rules of isolation and hygiene. Everything that happens is all for the best. In a few years we will be proud and tell future generations stories related to these difficult times.
    Thank you for such useful information.

  6. Магомедова Мадина 1к 2гр
    A difficult situation all over the world. It's a pity that not everyone immediately took the virus seriously, maybe there would not have been such a catastrophic situation, so many deaths... I agree with the Queen that the best times will come back... In this situation, it remains only to take care of your health in order to avoid bad consequences. And of course, support all doctors and social workers.

  7. Unfortunately, the situation in the whole world is not easy and we must take this very seriously, because our lives and the lives of our loved ones are in our hands. Many people do not understand what responsibility they have, they calmly walk around the streets of the city, not observing self-isolation. I agree with the Queen, we must unite and overcome this disease together. It is the hardest for doctors and medical workers. They can be safely called the heroes of our time.

  8. Абубакарова Патимат 1к.1г.ГиМУ
    I’m sure the words of support for Elizabeth II touched the heart of every British citizen.At this difficult juncture in our lives, we must be patient and optimistic about the Queen.We all want to get back on track, see our loved ones, but isolation is a reason to stop and rethink our priorities.The role of doctors today is very important and she is very grateful and enthusiastic about their importance, because it is they who determine the fate of all humanity.

  9. All medical workers are on the front line, fighting an invisible enemy. It is they who take the heaviest blows, sacrificing their health for the good of the people. The worst thing is that people do not understand the severity of the epidemic and often walk the streets of the city. It would be good if all people observed self-isolation and did not endanger their relatives and friends. Only by joining forces will we be able to overcome this difficult time.

  10. Рамазанов Шамиль пиэ
    In the capital of Britain, the most infected.

    The Queen is in Windsor. There she recorded her emergency address to the nation. In 68 years on the throne, this is her fifth extraordinary appearance. In it, Elizabeth II called on Britons to unite to stand together against the deadly disease: "I hope that years later, everyone can be proud of how they responded to this challenge. And those who come after us will say that this generation of Britons was as strong as the rest."

    Doctors do not urge, but tearfully beg the British to stay at home. They have no place to treat patients, they run out of space and have nothing to do. The BBC published images from the hospital taken by the medics themselves. Instead of protective suits, they use garbage bags. And the masks have been replaced with labels with an expiration date. One of them could only be used until 2012.

    The other hospital doesn't allow you to wear masks. The Guardian newspaper publishes a letter from a nurse who quit after being banned from wearing her mask at work. And this despite the fact that she spent two weeks in quarantine because of suspected coronavirus in her daughter.

  11. Difficult times have come for the whole world. The queen spoke very well about the virus, described the emotions of all people. In order to save humanity and avoid infection, people should not come together.
    Everyone should think about what our future will be like. All we need to do is to stay at home in conditions of self-isolation in order to somehow save the world. Today, doctors do a great job. If we remain united and decisive, we can defeat this virus. do not leave home and remember that good days will come very soon!
    And if you get sick immediately seek medical attention for help so as not to infect your loved ones! Take care of yourself and people close to you!

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  14. It's hard to find correct words in such a sad and challenging situation... But Queen did it in the best side. Like she did it in 1940 with her sister.

    Do you remember this time when everyone just whatched and enjoyed an egg whic gained millions followers?
    And now there is a pandemic. Someone lost a loved once due to the coronavirus outbreak. All of us exposed to the virus and in the same time we have ability to fight with it. This ability is in selfdiscipline, isolation, unity and resoluteness.

    Also our future depends on health care professionals. They are overstressing right now. We and our descendants thank you!
    "Better day will return" - claime Queen Elizabeth II. And I belive it's true. Stay home and be careful!

  15. These are difficult times. And the best thing now is to be at home to protect not only yourself, but also your family and the people around you. I want to say a big thank you to the doctors and everyone who helps in the treatment of sick people, putting themselves at risk. I hope that soon everything will pass and we will again go out for a walk, meet friends and go somewhere.

  16. Махалиева, ГиМУ,1курс,1группа

    I completely agree with her every word. This disease is not a problem of one state, or even of one continent, it is a problem of all mankind. And since they have not yet found a cure for this disease, self-isolation is the best solution for everyone. So, everyone can protect himself and his family. And I sincerely believe that humanity will be able to defeat this terrible disease that caused people so much pain. I believe that by combining all our efforts, we will finally overcome it.

  17. The Queen herself tells her people to stay at home, and you can see in the interview how hard it is for her.There are times when the lives of our relatives and friends directly depend on each of us. We must not forget about the people who risk their lives to save those who have this terrible disease. They sacrificed their freedom, and time with their family, to save people.

  18. I think that we all will overcome this coronovirus all together if everyone takes it seriously. Thanks to the Queen of Britain for such words

    //Mirzoev Murad 1PIE

  19. I think that doctors are the heroes of this time. Especially now during the spread of the pandemic. And just like Queen Elizabeth I want to express my gratitude to them. It is a tremendous work, and now it is a very big risk.

  20. Султанова Леона
    ГиМУ 1 курс
    I completely agree with every word of it.In fact,this disease can touch any person or the state.Unfortunately,there is still no cure for the disease and the people suffering with this virus die.For 2 months we are in isolation and this is the only way to protect themselves and their families.I can still say that the moment our future also depends on our providers.They from morning till night working for us. As said Queen Elizabeth 2 :"And the good days are still ahead."I very much hope that soon it will all end.And we will live again as before,without fear.Be well.After all, health is the most important thing.

  21. Гасанова Каримат

    In this difficult time for our world, the Queen of great Britain made a speech to support her country. She thanks those who help and do important work, as well as those who stay at home. Elizabeth 2 assures that while maintaining unity and determination, it will win COVID-19
