пятница, 3 апреля 2020 г.

Learn Some Russian-English Cultural Differences

Do you know any other examples of cultural differences between Russia and England?

7 комментариев:

  1. I agree with the speaker, if we want to live in peace, we should be polite.
    I really liked the phrase: "Honesty is not always the best policy!" because I notice that lately people have offended each other with truth.
    and of course the best advice is always smile!

  2. SMALL TALK на 16 апреля)

    New words and word combinations:
    - to get along with (поладить с )
    - introductory phrases (вводные фразы)
    - currency (валюта, ценность)
    - tips and tricks (Советы и приемы)

    Each country has its own cultural traditions and characteristics. But there are clear cultural differences between Russia and the United Kingdom. Many Russian do things that British people would find «rude» or impolite. Similarly, British people are TOO polite and often say «please» or «thank you», when actually they don’t need to. Here are some advice to people, who want to get along with British or be polite to British in Russia:
    1) Always say sorry. It sounds crazy but this is very normal in Britain.
    2) Use «introductory phrases» to take the position of polite «you»
    3) Honesty is not always the best policy! If you don’t want to upset your English friend try not to say things like: «Oh, you don’t speak Russian very well!» Of course you don’t have to lie, but try to make the truth sound more friendly.
    4) SMILE. In England, smiling is like currency. All kind of smile (sad, happy, awkward etc) worth something!
    So if you want to be friendly and not offend your foreign friends, use these tips and tricks.


  3. Yes, I agree with the speaker that there are some cultural differences between Russia and the UK. The British are really much more polite than the Russians and very often say “thank you”, “sorry”, etc. If we want to live in peace, then we need not to offend each other, be more polite and kind as the British. And of course always smile at each other !

  4. Махалиева Зарият, ГиМУ 1к,1гр
    You can list the cultural differences between Russia and England for a very long time. These are differences in manners, behavior, communication and many others. As the author of this video said, the main character traits of the British are politeness and restraint. They never talk loudly on the street, do not push on buses, do not show their emotions even in tragic situations. All this is the result of strict education. And the Russians, on the contrary, are not very polite and emotional, but good-natured and hospitable. Russians are also characterized by openness and responsiveness.
    Among the British, it is considered normal if a person on a bus immediately switches to a free separate seat, if he sits next to another person. Also, English children have every right to free space. For example, without their consent, no one can enter their room, even their parents. And in Russia, even if the children have a separate room, then any relative can go there even without knocking. Unlike Russians, the British shake hands only when they meet.
    It is also considered normal for the British to touch other people's arms, shoulders, elbows when passing through the crowd. It should also be noted a very interesting fact that the British always honestly observe the line. They consider her the personification of justice.

  5. Ханмагомедова Майсарат
    The culture and traditions of England and Russia differ significantly. This is due to the geographical location of countries, their history and climate. Everyone knows about right-hand drive and left-hand traffic in England, so when crossing the street, just in case, look in all directions. In Russia, however, the right-hand traffic, so when crossing the roadway, you must first look to the left, where the transport is moving from, and when you reach the middle - to the right, without forgetting to look around.Also, an Englishman can not imagine a house without a well-kept garden near his house. This is a special custom of England, which is revered by all. To identify the best garden near the houses, even competitions are held. An Englishman whose garden near the house is recognized as the best is considered a very respected person and he can rightfully be proud of himself.

  6. Гаджиева Марьям 1 курс,2 гр
    The way it is. Restraint and politeness are one of the main features of the English communication style. The English are sometimes overly polite in our eyes. And in the understanding of the British, the Russians are not very polite and more emotional , but good-natured and very hospitable

  7. Курбанова Гулизар
    Russians and Englishmen have many different stories. The first differences can be noticed during communication. The English are polite and often say "thank You" and "I'm sorry". They don't talk loudly in the street. They don't jostle on buses to get a free seat, they buy tickets with a place indicated in the queues at bus stops. People in England do not shake hands when they meet each other, they do not show their emotions even in tragic situations.
    Unlike the English, the Russians are not very polite and more emotional, but they are good-natured and very hospitable. Russian Russians left their doors open and food ready for the wanderer when they left their homes. that is why there were legends about the breadth of the Russian soul. Due to their greater emotional nature, Russians are characterized by openness, responsiveness and intimacy in communication. They also resort to different methods of parenting children in England it is customary to keep in strictness, and the higher in society you are, the more strictness. Often you have to see how in a rich English house, with a huge living room, a giant bedroom, a majestic study, the so-called children's room is almost in the attic and is a poor little room, and this is done quite deliberately, for reasons of principle, so as not to undead, but to harden. It is no accident that the boy scouts movement was born in England at the beginning of the XX century, and its slogan was " Be ready!". A true Englishman should be prepared for any difficulties at any moment
    In Russia, education is more democratic, parents are more lenient to their children and less strict.
