воскресенье, 5 апреля 2020 г.

Why Faking Russian Accent Can Actually Be Helpful

18 комментариев:

  1. One day, Tim had a problem at work, so he went for a walk… a very long walk. He walked down the stairs, out of the building, across the road, through the park, over the bridge, along the river, past a statue, up some steps, then he got into a taxi, which drove him from the river to the airport and nobody ever saw him again!

  2. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  3. it is funny and sad at the same time. Why are Americans so afraid of Russians? we are not scary. many of us are quite responsive. Yes, we have a funny accent, but if it can help in dangerous situations, then let them use

  4. SMALL TALK на 7 апреля

    Dan Soder - a stand up comedian- noted in one of his speeches that a Russian accent could help Americans in some situations.We all know that many bad people walk the streets at night, so the comedian offers to pretend to be Russian to scare the bad guys away . It’s common among Americans that Russians are considered scary people, and Russia is a country in which bears walk the streets.
    Sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity and people are simply afraid to ask the Russians for directions if they suddenly get lost . So if you are American and you are overtaken by bad guys, just imitate a Russian accent!

    Western comedians make a lot of jokes about Russia, and even those who have never been to it. Basically, this is a set of stamps about vodka, balalaika, bears and Vladimir Putin on horseback. And, of course, about the accent. In his speech, Dan Soder decided to show how you can get out of a difficult situation. And all this is due to the notoriety of the Russians.

  6. In this video Dan Soder lay special emphasis to a cold nature of russians. One of the most popular stereotiphe about Russia. It's next to bears and beer... It's common to joke about foreign citizens because audience react always positively clapping hands and loughing. I think you know that american's speech is emotional and friendly. This really looks funny when two different accents stand face to face - a dialogue of opposites. So, comedian recomend chose frightening russian accent when a danger awaits you.

  7. Солтаналиева Н 1к 1гр ГиМУ
    This is a very funny video. I agree with a speaker. In fact, Russians are the scariest of whole people. There's even a Russian proverb:" We won't defeat the Russian people ". Once a friend of mind told me that all foreigners represent Russia as a big continuous forest, where people just to that they drink vodka and are friend with bears.
    In fact, this isn't so. There are a lot of polite and considerate people in Russia, as in any other country. It's just that many Russians, traveling abroad, begin to behave like savages and do whatever they like. This, of course, is very sade news, but in fact it is.

  8. Абубакарова Патимат 1к.1г.ГиМУ
    I often watch a Government of a country show its people only the worst qualities of peoples who are rivals or threats (in the video the Americans think about the Russians),that is not the point. It’s hard to get rid of an accent and you have to have absolute hearing and practice a lot to get rid of it. I’m sure it will take decades of living in another country to speak as a native speaker.

  9. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  10. A really funny and true joke. For Americans, the Russian people seem very harsh and rude. Maybe it is. But not everything. Russian people are very strong kind and very hospitable. In fact, many Americans think very stereotypically. Some believe the Russians are friends with bears and drink only vodka. It sounds really funny. But that’s not true because there are so many talented, intelligent and incredible people in our country, who made a huge contribution to the future not only of Russia, but of all mankind.
    Russia is a nation that builds not only history, but also a repository of knowledge that the world uses.
    Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl

  11. Ульчибекова Гюзель 1к 1гр ГиМУ
    It's funny, but it's true. Many аmericans consider the russian people rude and unsociable. There are many stereotypes about this. For example, americans believe that our people never smile and are generally very reserved in showing their good emotions in public. Russian people also like to drink vodka, and then they become crazy . But this is not the case at all. The Russian people are distinguished by their hospitality, talent and ingenuity .

  12. This is a very funny video. But I don't understand why Americans think that, because we are not so cold and scary.The only thing that amuses me is that if I go to America in the future and meet with bullies,I won't need to copy the Russian accent)

  13. I think this stereotype is connected with the fact that Russians leaving abroad behave badly and do what they want. It is very sad that because of some ignoramuses, they say so about Russia as a whole. In fact, in our country there are a lot of kind, friendly and polite people. However, it is very funny that the comedian offers in a dangerous situation to imitate the Russian accent in order to frighten the bad guys.

  14. Махалиева Зарият, ГиМУ,1к,1гр
    Despite the fact that the video is very funny, the person says things that are worth considering. So why do many foreigners think that all Russians are scary? I think because they, although not everyone, have a reason to think so. Indeed, why do some Russians, traveling abroad, behave in a way that is not worth it? A similar situation: young people from Dagestan, traveling to other regions and regions of Russia, behave in such a way that local residents feel that savages live in Dagestan. But of course, not all of them. There are those who got a job in good universities in other regions, got a job there, but there are very few. I think people should think carefully about this.

  15. Магомедова Мадина 1 курс 2 группа
    It's very funny. Well, you think the Russians have such an emphasis ... Do they really think that we are “savages”. This is the funniest stereotype ...

  16. This, of course, is very funny, but at the same time sad. Very often I hear that Americans, foreigners consider us cold, unemotional people. But this is not so, among us there are a lot of responsive and decent people. Rather, it happens due to ignorance of the language and poor pronunciation. It’s all fine when you can play a trick on it and it’s pretty good and harmless, which is the most important thing.

  17. Курбанова Гулизар.
    This is very sad and hurtful. I think the main reason for such statements is that they simply do not know Russian people. Once, when I was abroad and talking to a foreigner, he asked me why I wear sunglasses, he was surprised when I said that in Russia it is sometimes very hot and the sun shines, as for me they just have certain stereotypes, and because of them they do not even try to find out in case.
