пятница, 1 мая 2020 г.

Reading between the Lines

We once talked about what your handwriting may say about you >>> link

Here's another one...

How many right answers do you have? Share in the comments.

21 комментарий:

  1. Ульчибекова Гюзель 1к 1гр ГиМУ

    A specialist in graphology or the art of analyzing a person's personality identifies the following types of personality:


    Many talented people were known for their almost illegible handwriting . This may be a result of the fact that their brain produces ideas faster than the hand is able to decipher.


    People with large handwriting tend to prefer to work in an open space, rather than in confined spaces.


    The most noticeable way to show a bit of personality through your handwriting is to replace the boring dots above your i's with something brighter.


    The size of your handwriting can be a projection of your personality. Large letters that go beyond the lines of the page can indicate that you are a sociable and friendly person who likes attention . If your handwriting is smaller, a handwriting expert may say that you are an introvert.


    The elegant loops in each letter of your letter don't just look beautiful—they can also reveal something about the type of person you are. According to the handwriting analyst, loopy handwriting is a sign that you are an emotional person .It can also mean that you are following your intuition.


    If you click on a page while writing, it may be a sign that you are tense and in some kind of suppressed anger. Slightly softer pen strokes indicate a sense of purpose. Letter easy can mean that you are sensitive and you do not have enough energy.


    An illegible signature may mean that you are in a hurry, but the handwriting analyst may take it for something more. Dirty signatures are tied to private or incomprehensible individuals, while a signature that is much clearer and neater may come from someone more confident and open.

  2. Graphologists claim that handwriting contributes to the disclosure of individual characteristics of a person. Handwriting can tell a specialist graphologist about a person sometimes more than he is able to tell about himself.The method allows you to" read " and understand a person: determine their strengths and weaknesses, potential opportunities and limitations, and the type of temperament. Graphology deals with the detailed study of the slope of letters, the distance between them, as well as their location on paper. The analysis reveals not only personal qualities, but also future prospects or tendencies. Handwriting is often a reflection of a person's personality.

  3. Абубакарова Патимат 1к. 1гр.ГиМУ
    I’ve heard a lot about clinical graphology (I first learned about this science in "invisible man," where experts in different fields to guess the identity). To be honest, I was skeptical of this science, but this article struck me. In a fit of emotion, I collected my family’s signatures and...Wow! That’s right. Handwriting as a "litmus paper" that can tell about a person’s character and emotional state at the moment of writing. When you look at my handwriting, I’m a conservative man, but emotionally unstable, with sharp corners in my handwriting. But as intriguing as this science may seem, it’s just one way of deducting.

  4. I heard a little about clinical graphology, but thanks to this article I found out more. Having analyzed my handwriting and based on the data from the article, I can say that I am a very emotional person, I often sympathize with other people and follow my intuition. And it is really true. I am surprised!

  5. Курбанова Гулизар When I was at school, I was interested in graphology. I took the notebooks of my classmates and compared them. and really the handwriting was very similar to the character of my classmates themselves. this is really interesting because you can learn about a person's handwriting without even talking to them.

  6. Graphologists believe that you can not only study the character of the handwriting, but also learn the temperament. Each temperament has its own characteristics.:
    Choleric. This type is characterized by a tilt to the right. The signs are wrapped and confused. The pressure is strong. The distance between words is not the same.
    Phlegmatic. The letter spacing is different. The letters themselves are bold, but their thickness is variable.
    Sanguine. Often sanguine people have a beautiful handwriting. The letters are running, sweeping. The lines are uneven.
    Melancholic. Uneven fields are characteristic. The letters are dancing and have long strokes and dashes.

  7. Amazing! I am delighted, I would never have thought that you can tell so many things about a person’s handwriting, because you don’t even know him, but you already have an idea about the handwriting. And the fact that the whole scientific field studies handwriting, I generally learned for the first time. In my handwriting, I can say that I am a sociable and friendly person who loves attention. And this is absolutely true. I am pleasantly surprised!

  8. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  9. Do you notice the handwriting? Have you ever wondered what these differences really mean? Psychology surprises me over and over again. At first glance, these are just letters. But no! These letters, signatures, texts belong to people, personalities who have their own life story. Annette Poisner studied a little-known European discipline: clinical graphology. And thin slicing is the word of psychology for the ability to accurately judge people or situations based on first impressions. You can name a person:
    • critical
    • conservative
    • unsafe
    • individualistic
    • private
    just if you use thin slices. I think this is a great discovery in psychology. You can use this in everyday life to judge people not only from the side that they show. You have the opportunity to read someone’s character.

  10. Thin slicing is the word psychology on the ability to accurately judge people based on first impressions.Malcolm Gladwell in his book wrote that the power of thinking without thinking indicates that with training we can all improve our ability to thin cutting.And to get information about people we should do it.
    Graphology allows practices "thin cut"by looking at the handwriting.For them, this is a clinical tool that helps the client to understand themselves.Even we can use graphology to thin slice.First you need to learn to see what's on the page in front of us.So we can describe our impression.

    Any writer will demonstrate loyalty to the classics.Inscription Ralph Lauren shows us that he is a traditionalist.
    Whoopi Goldberg uses letters,this means that it is individualistic.
    Signed Oprah's surrounded by his name,shows a tendency to be private.
    A bright and sharp writers employ acute angles in your handwriting.
    The labels Gwyneth Paltrow suffered from a lack of stable baseline.Paltrow has shown no sense of strong solidarity.He wrote his history of dreadful uncertainty.
    Thanks for the text,it was very interesting

  11. Султанова Леона
    Thin slicing is the word psychology on the ability to accurately judge people based on first impressions.Malcolm Gladwell in his book wrote that the power of thinking without thinking indicates that with training we can all improve our ability to thin cutting.And to get information about people we should do it.
    Graphology allows practices "thin cut"by looking at the handwriting.For them, this is a clinical tool that helps the client to understand themselves.Even we can use graphology to thin slice.First you need to learn to see what's on the page in front of us.So we can describe our impression.

    Any writer will demonstrate loyalty to the classics.Inscription Ralph Lauren shows us that he is a traditionalist.
    Whoopi Goldberg uses letters,this means that it is individualistic.
    Signed Oprah's surrounded by his name,shows a tendency to be private.
    A bright and sharp writers employ acute angles in your handwriting.
    The labels Gwyneth Paltrow suffered from a lack of stable baseline.Paltrow has shown no sense of strong solidarity.He wrote his history of dreadful uncertainty.
    Thanks for the text,it was very interesting


  12. Абдулаева Амина 1кр 1гр ГиМУ

    I have heard about graphic signature analysis and I think that this is really a very useful thing because the graphological analysis of signatures takes into account many aspects that allow you to draw conclusions about the strengths of the individual and its weaknesses. Contrary to popular unprofessional opinion, the analysis of a single signature is not enough for a full-fledged personality analysis. And the Reason is not even that the signature lacks many important graphological features that are present in the handwriting.
    It provides limited information due to the lack of many necessary features available only in the handwriting.And when we talk about signature analysis, it will have value when analyzing the same person's handwriting.
    A signature is always an Image of a person presented or presented to the outside world, and a handwriting is a real self — esteem and self-perception. Differences or unity of handwriting and signature indicates the ratio of internal self-perception to external image. The signature also reflects a person's attitude to their family, to themselves, to their place in society, and to their trustworthiness. Sometimes a signature symbolically conveys even the occupation of its author.

  13. Махалиева Зарият,1к,1гр, ГиМУ
    I believe that the ability to recognize a person by handwriting is just wonderful! It would be very interesting to know more about this, since I could not choose any of them correctly. I thought that a person who uses rounded letters is quite individual, and a person who uses sharp forms of letters is conservative. But it turned out quite the opposite.

  14. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  15. ГАДЖИЕВА МАРЬЯМ 1 курс, 2 группа
    This article pleasantly surprised me. But I think it's worth remembering that handwriting analysis results are not an absolute dogma. In order to find confirmation of a particular character trait, they must be compared with other signs

  16. Ханов Саид
    Hello. Today I want to tell you about graphology. Graphology, or handwriting analysis, is a field that allows trained practitioners to “thinly slice” just by looking at handwriting.You can also use graphology for " thin slice."For starters, one way to train yourself to really see what's on the page in front of you is to look at the signatures of people you know.Whoopi Goldberg uses letter forms that are completely idiosyncratic.Oprah's signature is that she circles her name, representing a personal "I", in an oval capital letter, showing a tendency to be private, which is not unusual for someone who has experienced sexual abuse at a young age. Writers who use sharp corners in their handwriting (see” n " in King) tend to be sharp and very bright, but also sharp-tongued.Finally, this Gwyneth Paltrow signature doesn't have a stable baseline and therefore rides up and down like a roller coaster.Now, over the next eight days, you will learn specific graphological principles that will help you form a preliminary view every time you look at the handwriting of a client, client, or friend.

  17. Абдулмуслимова Мадина 1кр 1 гр ГиМУ
    Thin slicing... What is it? Thin-slicing is psychology’s word for an ability to accurately judge people or situations on the basis of first impressions. With training and practice, we can all improve our ability to thin-slice. Graphology, or handwriting analysis, is a field that allows trained practitioners to “thin-slice” just by looking at handwriting. It is a clinical tool that can help psychotherapy clients understand themselves. Handwriting is an individual feature that manifests personal skills. The graphologist can determine a person's character based on individual handwriting characteristics.

  18. Султанова Леона
    ГиМУ,1 курс
    We go to school and learn to write. We have the same spelling and the teacher tells us exactly the same how the letters are written, how they are connected. Despite this, each person forms their own, individual, unlike anyone else's handwriting. Handwriting can tell you a lot about a person's character. Large letters for people who are sociable and ready to support any conversation, small letters for people who are modest and do not want to attract attention. If you talk about my handwriting, it is quite legible, the letters are even, large, with the correct slope, but it can not be called calligraphic. When I'm in a hurry or in a bad mood, it gets worse.Or if the handle is bad. If I tune in to a beautiful letter, it turns out very well. The mood of a person, his state of mind, in my opinion, is inextricably linked with the handwriting.Thanks to this text, I learned a lot,thank you for such information

  19. Гасанова Каримат

    During our studies at school, our handwriting is formed. Thanks to this article, I learned that the features of our handwriting can tell about the features of our character. One of the items is the handwriting "heavy pressure". This is the closest thing to a description of my handwriting. "This may be a sign that you are tense and in some kind of suppressed anger." I agree with these lines, because that's how I feel. I'm not a fan of writing, and that's why it bothers me

  20. I'm impressed!! I did not know that a whole science is involved in the study of handwriting. I was surprised that by handwriting you can recognize the psychology of a person without even seeing him. I think this is a great discovery of psychology. My handwriting is spread out. Scientists believe that people with large handwriting, as a rule, prefer to work in an open space, rather than in an enclosed space. And indeed it is!

  21. Султанова Леона
    Each of us has a unique handwriting. One person writes in large, even letters, the other in small, slanting letters. They say that handwriting reflects a person's character. My handwriting is quite broad. I write with my right hand. All my letters are tilted to the right.
    I always try to write clearly and legibly. It helps me study. The more clearly I write, the easier it is for me to master the material at home.In General I like to write very much
