понедельник, 4 мая 2020 г.

The Dos and Don'ts of Afternoon Tea Etiquette

Ever got curious what the Royals tuck in? Check out this video which reveals all the secrets behind the royal kitchen.

1)Do you think that in our modern-day hectic world it's still important to follow etiquette when it comes to table setting?
2) Are you keen on nice table setting?

23 комментария:

  1. Yes you need to follow etiquette there are also rules of etiquette
    1. Be sure to put a napkin on your lap, you will need it to wipe your lips and fingers during lunch
    2.When dinner is over, put the napkin next to the plate, if it fell on the floor do not pick it up, ask the waiter to bring another one.
    3. Knife in the right hand, and fork in the left. Put your index finger on the base of the device. You can only switch appliances if you have a crumbly side dish in front of you – for example, rice or mashed potatoes. You can easily help the knife to put food on the fork.

    then there will be a lot

  2. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  3. Yes, I believe that need to observe the etiquette of serving the table. I also believe that everyone should observe speech etiquette.Here are some rules for table setting.....You need to use the same devices.
    Each dish should have its own serving.
    When placing items, it is necessary to take into account that each person needs to allocate about 80 cm of space. This condition will allow guests to feel comfortable.
    Plates are placed in the middle of the allocated space, at a distance of two cm from the edge.
    When planning to serve several dishes, deep dishes are placed on a flat one.
    At a distance of 10 cm to the left of the person put plates for sweet or bread.
    Spoons, forks and knives are placed with the point up, on the right – knives, on the left – forks. If the dessert is provided, the soup spoon is placed above the plate.
    Glasses and glasses should be placed on the right. If alcohol and water are served at the same time, then the container that should be combined with the first course is placed closer.
    All dishes should have a clean appearance without stains and streaks. Before serving it should be wiped with a dry towel

  4. I think people should always pay attention to the table setting. They say that a beautiful design lifts the mood. I feel good when the dishes are clean and neatly arranged around me. but don't go to far extremes. Everything should be in order.

  5. Магомедова Мадина
    You must follow the etiquette, especially the table setting. As for me, table setting shows the attitude of a person both to himself and to the food that he eats. Eating at such a table is more pleasant.

  6. Курбанова Гулизар.
    As for me, the correct table setting is very important. Even now in the 21st century, when some people do not even pay attention to what they eat, the society should not forget about the basic rules. So, it shows the education of the hosts, and his attitude to the guest, and to himself.

  7. Курбанова Гулизар.
    As for me, the correct table setting is very important. Even now in the 21st century, when some people do not even pay attention to what they eat, the society should not forget about the basic rules. So, it shows the education of the hosts, and his attitude to the guest, and to himself.

  8. Yes, of course. After all, when everything is beautifully furnished, it is much more comfortable to sit and eat at this table and it will look very beautiful from the outside. This will please not only yourself, but also your family and guests. But don't overdo it))

    1. Ханмагомедова Майсарат 1 курс, 2 группа
      Yes, of course. After all, when everything is beautifully furnished, it is much more comfortable to sit and eat at this table and it will look very beautiful from the outside. This will please not only yourself, but also your family and guests. But don't overdo it))

  9. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  10. 1.Yes, of course
    Etiquette in life is very important. It shows your culture, shows your respect for other people. If you know the etiquette, then you present yourself in the best light, show your neatness, courtesy and courtesy. People around you are more comfortable dealing with you if you have excellent Royal manners.
    2.Yes, of course

  11. What an informative video! It was very interesting to learn more about the royal family and their
      favorite dishes. I think table setting is very important. It allows you to show yourself in the best possible way, to show how cultivated you are. It’s nice to just sit at a beautifully served table. This creates a cosiness and wonderful atmosphere. Nowadays, one should not forget about such an important part of etiquette.

  12. I think that proper table setting is very important. It is much nicer to sit at a beautifully decorated table when all the dishes and cutlery are in place. All this creates a wonderful atmosphere in the house and indicates the education of the owners.

  13. Years roll on and the table setting etiquette become more and more simplified I think. It happen maybe due to fast pace of people life. But it's very important part of our life as it keeps cultural values of nations. I've seen a video courses on YouTube about table setting etiquette recently. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33A72lbp3AY) So, I think I like it but within a reasonable. Nice table sitting is cozy, elegance and convenience.

  14. Абдулаева Амина 1кр 1гр ГиМУ
    I am sure that the table setting is very important in our time. After all, this is taste, tradition, and art.And in my family this is really welcome for my mother it is very important how our table looks and how the appliances are arranged and so on. Thanks to her , this is also very important for me, because now before I set the table, I think about what dish to put in what place . Table setting is really necessary : how the table will be set depends on how the guests will feel. For example, if it is a certain holiday, then it should be visible in the decoration of the table, otherwise the holiday will not be felt.Just as it doesn't matter whether it's a holiday ,anniversary , or an ordinary day, the table can be decorated and always be part of the aesthetic. Probably, this is a relic of the past, in the West they do not disdain this and in any bookstore there is always a stand with books about serving and decorating the table.

  15. Махалиева Зарият,1к,1гр, ГиМУ
    Table setting has been used since the Middle Ages. It was even such that only members of the king’s family used the dishes, and all the rest, including guests, used pieces of bread instead of plates. After the feast, these pieces of bread, soaked in butter, fat and some leftover food, were given to the poor.
    Table setting at different times and in different cities and countries was different.
    Nowadays, there are also various ways of table setting, starting with the choice of dishes and ending with the serving of dishes. I think this is especially important in the modern world. If in the past people considered table setting an indicator of wealth, property, power, I think in our time this is an indicator of education and diligence.
    In different countries, table setting is unique. For example, in Japan it is customary to place common dishes in the middle of the table, use chopsticks instead of forks. In France, the main element of table setting is textiles. Table setting should be done according to fashion. We can say that a snow-white tablecloth is more important than the dishes themselves. If the table is not covered with a beautiful tablecloth, then they do not sit at the table. In Russia much more attention is paid to the dishes themselves and their design. You can list the table layout features of each country for a very long time.
    At home, we do not use lush and luxurious table settings, as we usually take food with our family.
    So, deliciously cooked food, order and cleanliness are important above all.

  16. 1)To observe etiquette, of course, is very important for all people in society. Etiquette is necessary so that all people can communicate and be close to each other in comfort. This is necessary so that people respect other members of society and know how to behave in any situation. If someone does not observe etiquette , it immediately sets them apart from other people. Because this person's behavior shows his disrespect for the other people around him. Each of us is a part of society, and therefore the development of humanity should be important for every person on earth. Etiquette helps this development.
    2)of course they are interested. Agree, it can be convenient and comfortable to sit at a properly served table, so you need to pay special attention to this.

  17. Ульчибекова Гюзель 1к,1гр, ГиМУ
    Since ancient times, serving has represented a respectful attitude of the owner of the house to his guests. This ancient art was formed in accordance with the traditions of a particular country. Table setting in different countries of the world largely depends on the national characteristics and features of receiving guests. Serving a Japanese table is one of the most difficult. Bowls, trays, plates, deep cups, sticks – all this is an integral part of the table setting in the Japanese style. In ancient times, Russian table setting was distinguished by the refinement of dishes, a variety of design and constant order.
    A distinctive feature of Russian cuisine is the use of soups – deep plates, calculated from 4 to 10 servings.Tables are served with earthenware, painted pots, and pitchers.
    You should pay attention to the correct table setting.

  18. Yes, of course, you need to observe table sorting etiquette. Unfortunately, not all Housewives know how to do this. Many people believe that a beautiful table setting takes a lot of time. However, this opinion is erroneous. Knowing and observing certain rules, you can create a festive mood not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. Everyone will agree that it is much more pleasant to eat at a smartly served table. If everything is organized correctly, the daily meal turns into a holiday.
    It is not necessary to prepare delicious dishes, you can use ordinary inexpensive products. The very idea of decorating the dining table is important.
    For example: 1 you Need to use the same devices.
    2. each dish should have its own serving.
    3. when Placing objects, it is necessary to take into account that each person needs to allocate about 80 cm of space. This condition will allow guests to feel comfortable.
    4. place the Plates in the middle of the selected area, at a distance of two cm from the edge.
    5. when planning to serve several dishes, deep dishes are placed on a flat one.
    6. at a distance of 10 cm to the left of the person put plates for sweet or bread.
    7. Spoons, forks and knives are placed with the point up, on the right – knives, on the left-forks. If the dessert is provided, the soup spoon is placed above the plate.
    8. Glasses and glasses should be placed on the right. If alcohol and water are served at the same time, then the container that should be combined with the first course is placed closer.
    9. All utensils should be clean without stains and divorces. Before serving, it must be wiped with a dry towel.
    If your family gets used to eating in a cozy and beautiful environment, then the food will be a real pleasure. Children will grow up cultured, knowing the place of each item on the table. Evening gatherings at a beautifully laid table will unite your family. And this family tradition will be passed down from generation to generation.

  19. 1) table etiquette and sorting primarily affect the mental satisfaction of eating. Respect for etiquette has always been and will always be an important part of our lives. This is one of the most important components of the holiday table, which affects the mood and appetite. In our modern world, we are beginning to forget about such important factors as etiquette. A person who observes etiquette satisfies not only all the people at the table, but also the satisfaction of having done everything correctly. But it's already 2020, and some young people born after 2003-2005 don't even know what etiquette is. And then I think they'll forget about it.
    2) I have an interest in good sorting, since it is at least ordered throughout(I am a perfectionist)

  20. Гасанова Каримат

    In our family, we observe the rules of etiquette and table setting. This is very important for my family. It is much more pleasant for us to eat at a beautifully laid table. At the moment, this is a separate art.

  21. Султанова Леона
    Table setting as a kind of art of decoration of the festive interior has been formed for centuries, constantly bringing various innovations from the cultures of the peoples of the world to its niche. How to set the table for various events at home, whether it is a New year, birthday or ordinary gatherings in a family circle, this question is asked by any hostess before the next celebration. Without a beautifully laid and properly designed table, filled with all sorts of Goodies, not a single festive event takes place. Our country has traditionally developed a European form of serving festivals.
    The choice of the tablecloth
    This is the first thing you need to start serving the table correctly. The choice of tablecloth directly depends on the purpose and direction of the event.
    Dishes and appliances
    Having covered the table with a tablecloth, we arrange the Cutlery correctly.An indispensable attribute that decorates the table, whether it is an ordinary home dinner or a birthday.

  22. Well, of course, table setting plays a huge role. Serving special attention is paid mainly to women)) it is very pleasant to be where everything is beautifully furnished. The main thing is not to overdo it!
