среда, 15 апреля 2020 г.

How Interpreters Juggle Two Languages At Once

In this video we'll get to know a bit more about people who stand behind important international congresses, UN sessions and other high-level meetings, that is interpreters. And how with complexities of languages and cultural exchange skilled interpreters manage to avoid epic miscommunications and to overcome language barriers.

In this episode a notorious Khrushchev's expression "Мы вас похороним" was mentioned which literal interpretation had nearly led to an escalation of tension between the countries. Do you know any examples when interpreters played a crucial role in managing conflicts?

вторник, 14 апреля 2020 г.

Understand English Humour – A Horse in A Bar

Understanding English humour can sometimes give us a hard time. In this video we'll deal with a ... walks into a bar joke. Share your favourite pun-based jokes down below 👇👇👇

ridiculous puns
to provoke humour
a play on words
a punchline

Introduction to Astrology

Астероид или болид? 10 вопросов из советского учебника по ...


1. What's your zodiac sign?
2. Do you think your zodiac sign affects your personality and character?
3. Do you follow daily astrological predictions/horoscopes?