суббота, 22 февраля 2020 г.

Why Learning is Hard

8 комментариев:

  1. Thank you for the information! Up to this point, I knew that repeating the material was necessary, but now I am convinced that this is proven by science. Going to overcome the forgetting curve during the semester, and will have the expected results.

  2. Thank you very much for such useful information. Before that I don't know about the existence of a curve of oblivion and the importance of repeating information

  3. This text really made you think about why one information is remembered faster and better than another. According to Ebbinghausen's research, we are good at remembering information that interests or surprises us. And in order to learn it faster, we should learn everything at intervals.

  4. Солтаналиева Н 1к 1гр ГиМУ
    This text talks about why learning is hard
    It says that the brain itself chooses what information it remembers. Therefore it's important to convince the brain that this information is important to us.
    The barrier that prevents a person from remembering information is called the curve of oblivion.It was created by Hermann Ebbinhaus, who studied human memory and experimented on himself. He believed that to overcome the curve of oblivion it is necessary to repeat the information several times so that it is embedded in the memory. And not every five minutes, but with short break.
    Nowadays, people often memorize something, and then forget about it.

  5. Абдулмуслимова Мадина 1кр 1гр ГиМУ

    The forgetting curve is a mathematical formula that describes the rate at which something is forgotten after it is initially learned. Scientist Herman Ebbinghaus conducted an experiment to understand how memory works. Ebbinghaus performed his experiments on himself. He tried to memorize meaningless syllables. As a result, Ebbinghaus found that his memory of them was rapidly disintegrating. Ebbinghaus made a second discovery: The downward slope of the forgetting curve can be softened by repeating the learned information at particular intervals. But Overcoming the forgetting curve is about more than raw repetitions. Only if the new fact is repeated at certain intervals of time, the brain is forced to restore this memory, strengthening it like a muscle. The forgetting curve also shows how different the brain is from the computer. People can learn anything, which means they need to filter out the important from the trivial.

  6. Махалиева Зарият, ГиМУ 1к,1гр
    In fact, it’s very interesting information. I had read before that new information should be repeated at certain equal intervals in order to better remember it. If you practice, you can make sure that it is truly reliable.


  7. Thank you for such useful information! I knew that you need to repeat information at certain intervals, but that there is a curve of oblivion is something new for me.
