пятница, 21 февраля 2020 г.

Sudbury School: No Teachers, No Class, No Homework

Картинки по запросу "SUDBURY SCHOOL"



1) What's your attitude to such a democratic teaching approach?
2) If you were a parent, would you send you child to this kind of school?

14 комментариев:

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  3. State institutions focus on tests and this is bad for both students and teachers. But in 1968, the Sudbury "Democratic School" was founded in Franling, Massachusetts, where students choose their own course. This school does not have a central authority, so each one works according to its own program, but they are united by the fact that decisions regarding the rules, schedules, lesson plans and the choice of subjects to be studied are made jointly with students.
    Zone without testing. Sudbury has no competition and no grades or tests.
    No segregation. Children are grouped by interests rather than authority. Promotes independent thinking.
    The survey found that in 1992 82% of Sudbury graduates graduated from college and in 2005 they were satisfied with their career and life path, but about 90% continued formal education. Problems because of which Sudbury is not suitable for all families :.
    1) Democratic, but not free, and scholarships are not always available;

    2) Inconvenient graphics. These schools are not designed to work after hours.
    3) Less borders. An “open campus” where students can come and go at any time may be unsafe.
    4) Hard transitions. Someday, children will leave school and it will be difficult for them to adapt their talents and knowledge in the "real world" and adapt to the traditional environment.
    5) Characteristic of a click. Children are grouped unevenly and appear separated.
    Each student is individual, it is important to know which institution is best suited for him, as there are many changes in the system of public schools.

  4. These schools aren’t for every kid. Because it’s going to be very difficult to adapt in real life because in our world we still welcome discipline ,subordination and so on that you don’t see in students of Sudbury schools . But there are many advantages, weighty and very significant , which are listed in the article As for me, I wouldn’t put my kid in a school like this because I’m sure it’s wrong to give kids the right to do whatever they want. On the contrary, it is necessary to teach, to mentor and to educate,What will really help them in the future.

    This text abour revolutionary schools "Sudbury schools",named after the Sudbury Vamlley Schools that was founded in 1968 in Framingham,Massachusetts.Their have no central authority,however,they have certain things: power to the people,test-free zone,no segregation,fosters independent thinking.According surveys conducted in 1992 82 % of alumni had gone on to graduate from college.Further,they are realized in business,art,sciences. Unfortunately,Sudbury aren't without problems. This are: democretic,but not relly free,inconvenient schedules and location,fewer boundaries,tough transitions,cliquish.

  6. Махалиева З. ГиМУ 1 курс,1группа
    I completely agree that the children who study in such schools are more independent. But I think that there are more minuses in this school. First of all, children do not receive proper education. In any case, their level of education will be lower than in other schools. I also think that this is unsafe, as children can come and go whenever they want. In this case, how will parents know their children at school or not?
    Even at this school, children join in groups on their own, based on common interests. But what about children whose interests do not coincide with those of others?

  7. It is wonderful that the school promotes independent thinking. But I see more minuses than pluses in it. These are: democratic, but not really free, inconvenient schedules and location, fewer borders, tough transitions. But the most important minus is insecurity, since children can come and go when they want. I would not want my child to attend such a school, as I welcome the discipline of submission, and I am sure that it is wrong to give children the right to do whatever they want.

  8. Since I went to a completely different school, it will be difficult to send my child to such a school. Of course, it is good that their methods of learning, they thereby try to develop children's independence, but still they are just children and until they understand what their soul is predisposed to, it will take a long time. Therefore, it would be good to have control over them from childhood, which will weaken accordingly over the years, since I believe that a person should be independent!

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  10. Ханов Саид 1 курс ПИЭ
    Hello. Today, I wanted to talk about Sudbury Schools: a radical alternative to no child left behind with the advent of the no child left behind principle and its emphasis on the ever-increasing focus on standardized testing, children in public schools are increasingly asking multiple-choice questions at an earlier age. In "democratic schools" or "free schools", students can freely determine the course of each day.These revolutionary schools are also called "Sudbury schools", named after the Sudbury valley school, which was founded in 1968 in Framingham, Massachusetts.Unlike Waldorf and Montessori schools, Sudbury schools do not have a Central authority—so one school can operate completely differently from another.However, Sudbury Schools are not without problems and may not be suitable for all families. Here are some problems:Democratic, but not entirely free. Sudbury schools are private institutions, and they are usually small, so scholarship money is not always available.
    Inconvenient schedules and locations. While traditional schools offer pre-and post-kindergarten programs with working parents, Sudbury schools are not designed to work outside of class hours.When children are free to create their own society, without any of the mixing, grouping and forced inclusion that prevails in a standard school setting, it can happen that some children may feel left out.
    The advantages and disadvantages of Sudbury schools are important to consider when choosing the right school system for your child. Every student is different, and with so many changes in the public school system, it's good to know that parents have a choice.

  11. Ханов Саид
    1)I like this approach to teaching because it has what children need-attention.They don't miss a single child so that no one feels left out and that's what I like most about this approach to teaching. 2)I would definitely send my child to school, because I want him to have a desire to learn and have a goal. In this school, free attendance for children and an individual approach to learning, that is, everyone chooses what they want to study and what they want to do in the future.

  12. Children do not really need supervision ... I don’t think that the principle of Sudbury will give a good education and upbringing to a child. He must have a mentor.
