пятница, 21 февраля 2020 г.

Sustainable Fashion and Why It's Important

6 комментариев:

  1. We adore fashion, we truly do, but as much as we love fahion, we love our mother nature, people, animals and everything that this planet has to offer.
    Sustainable fashion can be defined as clothing and accessories that are supplied, manufactured, marketed in a manner that takes into consideration sustainability and wellbeing of the environment, the society and the economy. However truth be told fashion can not become absolutely sustainable. Because any act of prosuction and consumption of apparel consumes the planet little by little, because electricity, water is stil used.
    If you worry about the environment you should follow some simple steps:
    1) you can by some clothes in sacond-hands
    2) swapping clothes with friends, in apps and social media.

    If you really care about future you need to start from minimum and sustainable fashion may be the one.

  2. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  3. If you increasingly disappointed at the state of fashion, then you must be looking for ways to fix it due to climate change, plastic pollution, fashion waste, reckless use of resources, and all eco-related issues that impact fashion.
    Sustainable fashion is a generic term used to describe all activities designed to shift the existing fashion industry from its unethical, wasteful, and inconsiderate approach towards an industry, based on equality, social justice, animal welfare, and ecological integrity.
    However, this blend is what causes the confusion to what is sustainable fashion and the many definitions we have to date. For example, consumers defined sustainable fashion as a way of preserving resources in the process of supplying, manufacturing, transporting, selling and consuming fashion products. Others described sustainable fashion as ways of making and consuming garments, with consideration towards people, animals, and the environment.
    ‘Vegan-fashion’, ‘cruelty-free fashion’, ‘еco-friendly’, ‘eco-conscious’, and ‘green fashion’ are popular terms used to describe the environment-related facets of sustainable fashion.
    And the one of ways is - ‘slow fashion’ or ‘artisanal fashion’. It is important to choose the type of fashion you see yourself wearing for a long time.
    2 - Ask yourself simple questions such as:
    -How long am going to wear these shoes?
    -Does my usage justify manufacturing them?
    -If so, does it justify the killing of another animal?
    -Or, the pollution of another river?
    -The cutting of another tree?

    3 - Swapping clothes in three simple ways:
    -Apps and Social Media
    -Swapping Events
    Such fusion is ethical & fair trade. And to support it we should:
    -Make sure the label you choose guarantees fair wages to its workers
    -Support Local Producers
    (You can either Google it or follow sustainable fashion reports)
    Also there is Upcycled Fashion which has roots in recycled fashion.
    One success story of recycling and upcycling materials to create new products is Adidas Parley Sneakers.
    By now you know why sustainable fashion is critical for the environment, animals and people, how to live more sustainably, and what you can do to support the sustainable fashion movement.

  4. Sustainable fashion is a generic term used to describe all activities designed to shift the existing fashion industry from its unethical, wasteful, and inconsiderate approach towards an industry, based on equality, social justice, animal welfare, and ecological integrity.
    The above definition shows that sustainable fashion, as a concept, must include not just activities and materials used, but also the resulting products.
    However, this blend is what causes the confusion to what is sustainable fashion and the many definitions we have to date.

    Most respondents defined sustainable fashion as a way of preserving resources in the process of supplying, manufacturing, transporting, selling and consuming fashion products.
    Others described sustainable fashion as ways of making and consuming garments, with consideration towards people, animals, and the environment.

    It is important to understand that new sustainable fashion terms appear every day.
    Some of the more recent ones are ‘slow fashion’ – at the opposite of ‘fast-fashion’, used to describe slow manufacturing processes and resulting products.

    ‘Circular fashion’, describes all processes that can help the industry create fashion products from discarded materials. Similarly, ‘upcycled fashion’, looks at fashion made from discarded parts resulting during the manufacturing process. Cuts, left-overs, remaining parts, and so on.

    ‘Conscious fashion’ is another new term that has emerged, looking at both, consumers’ choice for sustainable fashion, and at designers’ choice to be ethical and sustainable in their manufacturing and material choice

    The other important part is to know your role, as a consumer of fashion, and what you can do to be a part of this positive change.
    First and foremost, you must be aware of the impact of your consumption.
    It might sound very simple but the easiest way to achieve sustainable fashion is to think twice before you buy.
    Абдулаева Амина 1к 1гр ГиМУ
