суббота, 1 февраля 2020 г.

How to Get That Raise You Deserve


What other factors are important for successful salary raise discussion with your boss?

4 комментария:

  1. Asking your boss for more money is probably worth paying taxes and clearing the gutters on your list of favorite activities.
    Ready to speak up for what you want? Here's what you need to know to feel confident when talking to your boss - from how much you should ask, to the best time to make a request - and finally to score the winnings you deserve.
    How you initially raise the subject of promotion depends on the personality of your Manager , and you probably already have an idea of how she likes to be approached.
    If your boss is the type who doesn't beat around the Bush, it's best to set up a meeting with a clear goal. Send an invitation to a meeting or email that says something like, " I hope we can sit down, and I would like you to review my salary."
    Perhaps you will succeed, but you also need to consider the fact that you may get a refusal. Rejection is hard to hear , but don't despair. "Answer:" What will I need to earn a promotion in the future? ", "green suggests. "If she or he can't tell you, it means that your Manager is terrible or that the company is poorly structured."
    If your boss offers an explanation, you now know exactly how to improve your game for the next departure.

  2. Ульчибекова Гюзель 1к 1гр ГиМУ
    How often should you expect a pay rise?
    Wage increases usually occur only once a year. But this depends on the state of economy and the demand for workers in your industry( For example , highly competitive industries such as Finance and technology are particularly favorable for raising wages).
    It used to be the norm for annual pay increases, but after the economy plummeted, it became less and less common -says Alison Green, a former nonprofit chief of staff and author of the Ask a Manager blog. “Now you have to ask for more money.”
    There are only three cases, where there can be a pay rise:
    If you are an all-star performer and can convincingly prove , why you deserve a promotion;
    If you are in an ultra- competitive industry, such as technology, where there is a need for quality employees;
    If you work in retail or catering. Rate increases in such areas usually occur about every six months, but it’s a tiny increase. Think: 20 cents an hour.

  3. I believe that for a successful discussion of raising your salary, the main thing is to ask correctly. When making a request, be straightforward about what you want and get ready to explain why you deserve it. In fact, promotion is a recognition that you are now more valuable than you were - that your skill level has improved, that you have achieved more. " Tell your boss: “Over the past year, I have taken on a number of new responsibilities, and I would like to discuss raising my salary to a level that reflects this.”Аlso keep a note file of your achievements that you can add throughout the year - noting the praises you received, projects that were extremely successful so that you have all the information at hand. Rejection is hard to hear, but don’t get discouraged. “Reply with, ‘What would it take for me to earn a raise in the future?’” If your boss does offer an explanation, you now know exactly how to step up your game for the next


  4. Абдулмуслимова Мадина 1кр 1гр ГиМУ

    The wage freeze is a problem that every employee has faced, especially during the crisis. However, now this problem has begun to thaw. And employees began to demand higher wages. Asking your boss for more money is difficult. And to do this, you need to know something to feel confident when talking to your boss.
    1.The salary increase is usually granted only once a year, and it depends on what industry you work in. Demand frequent salary increases can, for example, a star performer.
    2.The timing of your request may determine whether you will be rewarded or not. You need to think about when a promotion is usually granted in your company.
    3.The way you initially bring up the subject of a raise depends on your manager’s personality, and you probably already have a sense of how she likes to be approached.
    4.Before you decide how much of a raise to request, do some homework. “If your company grants employees an annual raise, you’ll probably be aware of the approximate budget, so you should stay in line with that."
    5.Threatening to leave if you don't get a big paycheck is dangerous territory. Don't play with the boss.
