воскресенье, 7 апреля 2019 г.

What is Viral Marketing

7 комментариев:

  1. It was very interesting to get acquainted with viral marketing. And find out how it works. Thanks.

  2. Thank you very much. I learned a lot of new information for myself

  3. Viral marketing is used by people , organizations to promote their products. Today it is one of the most popular types of advertising .

  4. This is one of the most common and effective ways of advertising. But, We cannot forget that in this type of campaign, a large part of the control falls into the hands of the users, and we risk the message being misinterpreted or parodied.

  5. Very interesting and relevant topic in the modern world of information technology.

  6. Viral marketing and viral advertising is a marketing technique that uses social networks to raise brand awareness and drive sales. Nobody asks for anything, no one hires.

  7. Viral marketing is the use of "flying ideas" to push them to the masses. It is a controlled rumor, a kind of material that by its nature attracts attention, causes discussion, and thus helps the business in sales. At the heart of such marketing is the need for people to communicate, exchange information. And if the marketing message is really worthwhile, interesting and unusual, then it, like a virus, will quickly spread among the desired audience through its own
