воскресенье, 14 апреля 2019 г.

Conspicuous Consumption: an Overview



1. Have you ever fallen victims to conspicuous consumption? Give examples.
2. In your view, can money buy happiness?

10 комментариев:

  1. I think that money can satisfy many of the needs of people. But happiness is not always in the simple satisfaction of needs. More often, schate is in relationships between people, in emotions, feelings, and they cannot be bought.

  2. There are things can not be bought , and happiness refers to them.

  3. No
    I think money can buy happiness, but it will not last long

  4. I think that happiness cannot be bought with money. Yes, there are needs that we satisfy with money, but there are values ​​that cannot be bought with money.

  5. Money is definitely needed in order to lead a normal life. Not in money happiness. It is difficult to disagree with this. After all, you can buy everything except happiness and health. Therefore it is necessary to appreciate and protect them.

  6. Махалиева, ГиМУ 1к,1гр
    To the question of whether it is possible to buy happiness for money, everyone will answer in their own way, because you can also understand this question in different ways. People who do not have enough money to fulfill their dreams will say that happiness can still be bought for money, while those who are very rich and have achieved everything in this life will say that happiness does not depend on money.

  7. Money plays a huge role in our life, we need it to satisfy our material needs, without which we could not live. But still, no matter how trite it may sound, there is much that you can’t buy for money: happiness, health, family. As they say, and the rich cry. Very rarely you can meet a rich and happy person.
