четверг, 18 апреля 2019 г.

Millionaires Who Won't Leave Their Kids Too Much Money

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Why do you think some millionaires leave their money to charity than to their family? Is it reasonable?

12 комментариев:

  1. Different millionaires have different motives for giving money to charitable foundations. Some millionaires do this to reduce taxes paid, some donate money for religious (spiritual) reasons, and some millionaires understand that their money will help many people to survive.

  2. I agree with the comment above. And I can add that to the charity of people it moves their kind heart.

  3. Almost every person with an average income thought about where billionaires spend their big money and why not share it with those in need. Rich citizens, therefore, have great financial resources, because they manage them wisely and carefully. If you scatter banknotes to the right and left, the capital created over decades will evaporate in one week. But some wealthy people of Earth donate hard-earned money to various charitable foundations

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  5. I think this is done so that they know the value of money, rather it is an educational measure

  6. Many rich people prefer to give their wealth to charity rather than to their children. That's very reasonable. They do this primarily because they wish good to their children and want them to reach the same heights through their efforts. If a person has everything, then he has no incentive to develop, improve himself, get new knowledge and experience. Knowing this, millionaires take this step, allowing their children to reach their potential and reach even more heights with their work and efforts

  7. Many millionaires realize that money is bad for children .But still they do not leave thear children without money.

  8. I think this is a good way to teach a child to manage money.

  9. One of the reasons is that today's millionaires want their children to grow up with the very same middle-class values ​​that they themselves had.

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  11. Махалиева, ГиМУ 1к,1гр
    I think that every millionaire who gives money for charity has his own reasons. I want to believe that many people do charity work because they just want to help other people who need help. But is it? Unfortunately, in my opinion, some do this not because of compassion for other people, but for their own benefit. To improve the opinion of others about myself. Another reason I think is that not all millionaires got their fortune honestly. And, in order to distract suspicions from themselves, in order to calm their conscience, they are engaged in charity work.

  12. I think this is a very reasonable decision. All these rich people earned fortunes with their sweat and labor, no one bequeathed to them and therefore they know their value. Usually children who live on everything ready grow up spoiled. They do not know the price of money, do not know how and do not want to work. Why do they need it, because they always have money and will always have it. After all, millionaires do not just leave their children penniless, they leave them enough, but they still have to work. Giving significant money to charity, they not only help many needy people, but also teach their children how to live.
