пятница, 26 апреля 2019 г.

Satish Kumar and his 8,000 mile walk to spread peace around the globe

10 комментариев:

  1. From the text i really liked one phrase"In order to establish peace in the world we have to start by making peace within ourselves. A greedy mind cannot be a peaceful mind. A peaceful mind is a mind of contentment and fulfilment". I fully support this point of view

  2. This is information so important for everybody

  3. хорошая фраза "In order to establish peace in the world we have to start by making peace within ourselves. A greedy mind cannot be a peaceful mind. A peaceful mind is a mind of contentment and fulfilment". I fully support this point of view

  4. Its very important information
    I agree with Satisha Kumar

  5. had goosebumps when I read this topic. It is so important today to understand that all people should live in peace. In a peace without war, violence and racism.
    That’s why instead of harming our planet, humanity should think about how to help it, because the next generation should also live in peace, and for this it is necessary to revise the economy and politics. I will definitely prepare a small talk on this topic.
    Thank you for such a relevant and important topic.

  6. small talk на 6 апреля (1 курс 2 группа)

    We all have a different definition of the word «peace». Satish Kumar- an Indian British activist and editor walked 8,000 miles to spread the message of peace around the world. And here is his point of view. He traveled all over the world and came to the conclusion that the world is not only a matter of economics, but also of politics. And I think we all should realise it. As long as societies are driven by ever-increasing consumerism there can be no hope for ending wars and establishing peace among nations. The biggest challenge for our time is to create a new kind of economics, business and politics. We need to create successful examples of businesses and we have to inspire companies to look at the triple bottom line: environmental profit, social profit and financial profit.
    Peace is not merely absence of war. Peace is a way of life. We all need to seek personal, social and environmental wellbeing. Humanity must strive for national happiness. If humanity is genuinely to pursue the path of peace then we have to change the way we do business. A peaceful mind is a mind of contentment and fulfilment.
    Also to make peace, we must resolve the problem of racism. The power of non-violence is the supreme power to bring peace and harmony between blacks and whites. We must never forget that we are one
