пятница, 22 ноября 2019 г.

Paris Syndrome Leaves Japanese Tourists in Shock

Картинки по запросу paris syndrome



live up to expectations 
culture shock
popular tourist destination
cope with dashed expectations 

Have you experienced any form of Paris Syndrome when the image of the city or the place you visited didn't live up to your expectations?

5 комментариев:

  1. I've never experienced Paris syndrome. I very rarely travel, so I am sincerely glad of any trip. But in general, I believe that the boss is not even a place but a company with which we travel.

  2. Paris Syndrome is a complete description of my life.
    When I think about something and come across it, I am most often disappointed

  3. !!!!ДЖАБРАИЛОВА АИДА. Paris syndrom is a psychological condirion experienced almost exclusively by Japanese tourists.It's causes symotoms such as an acute delusional state,hallucinations,dizziness abd sweating.The city ia a popular tourist destination due to Japan's fascination with all things French patisseries and luxury French fashion outlets such as Chanel and Louis Vuitton.In Japanese culture Paris is associated with romantic films such as Amelie.When tourists arrive in city with its notoriously rude service and confusting public transport combined with exhaustion,language and culture barriers they experience psychological distress.Fortunately,Japanese embassy help sick tourists.The problem appears to be griwing.Professor Hiroaki Ota who first identified the sundrome over 25 years ago,says there is only one cure:a flight home and never return to Paris.

    Paris Syndrome is a psychological condition experienced almost exclusively by Japanese tourists who are disappointed when the city of lights does not live up to their romantic expectations.
    The syndrome, considered an extreme case of culture shock, causes symptoms such as an acute delusional state, hallucinations, anxiety, dizziness , and sweating, has been documented by medical journals .
    In Japanese popular culture Paris is associated with romantic films such as Amelie and is thought to be the stuff of fairytales, cobble-stoned streets and all. Combined with exhaustion , language barriers, and culture barriers, homesickness and culture shock can cause serious psychological distress.
    this syndrome was first identified 25 years ago by Professor Hiroaki OTA
    and he was sure that the only cure in this case was to go home and never return to Paris.

  5. Махалиева Зарият,1к,1гр, ГиМУ
    I have never experienced this syndrome, as I have never traveled outside Dagestan, no matter how sad it may sound. In fact, I think it is very annoying when you see the country in the images and you are drawn there with all your heart, but finally, having arrived there, it turns out that everything is not at all what you expected. I really like Spain and Portugal, primarily because of football. I can even say that at the World Cup in Russia I was rooting for them, as I was rooting for Russia. And I do not think that the reality in these countries is different from the pictures.
