воскресенье, 10 ноября 2019 г.

5 Simple Ways to Put Your Mind at Ease

Картинки по запросу stressed


1. What ways do you use when you need to recharge your batteries?
2. Is it possible to protect yourself from stress in the hustle and bustle of modern-day world?

12 комментариев:

  1. Thanks for the very interesting news. These ways really helped to allow to ease my day.

  2. In a world where "hustling" is a way of life, your mind needs a little time to relax from the inevitable stress. Stress is not good for our wellbeing and can lead to bigger problems down the road. 
    That’s why it’s so important to find ways you can relax, find peace, and enjoy life every day.
    You can put your mind at ease with these 5 simple ways every day :
    1.Incorporate meditation into your daily activities. Meditation is a powerful tool for getting rid of stress.Meditation comes in many forms, from guided meditation to walking meditation. And no matter what form you choose, it will help you calm your mind.
    Breathing gives us life, but it also brings us peace and a sense of being in control. You will be surprised at how powerful conscious breathing can be for centering the mind.
    3.. Set an intention every morning
    Going about your day from a place of intention helps you feel calm, in control, productive and less stressed.Setting an intention allows you to ease into your day and will put your mind at ease before the day even begins.
    4. Write your thoughts in a journal.
    Writing in a journal helps you express yourself, and it always feels better once you get your feelings out. If anything in particular is bothering you, don’t be afraid to write it down – this will help you organize your thoughts.
    5.Fuel your mind and body all day long
    Еating healthy is crucial for your overall wellbeing.  Nutritious food gives you energy and helps you feel good throughout the day.
    Fuel your body with exercise too – even just 20 minutes of getting your heart rate up can make a huge difference in your overall mind xstate and ability to cope with stress. Fuel your mind with music! Music can change your entire mood.
    Do things for yourself throughout the day that fill you up and make you feel good

    When you practice these simple ways to put your mind at ease, you will create positive energy that surrounds you and fills you up. And remember – the positive energy that emanates from you will fill the lives of the people you surround yourself with every day!
    Гаджиева Марьям

  3. Абдулмуслимова Мадинат 1к 1гр ГиМУ
    Stress isn't good for our well-being and can lead to bigger problems down the road. That's why it's so important to find ways you can relax, find peace, and enjoy life everyday.
    There are 5 simple ways to you can put your mind at ease everyday.
    1. Incorporate meditation into your daily activities.
    Meditation is a powerful tool for calming the mind and working through the feelings or thoughts that are causing you stress.
    2. Breathe!
    When you begin to feel stressed focus on your breathing. Take a deep breath in and an audible h-a haaa exhale out. Breathing it also brings us pease and a sense of being in control.
    3. Set an intention every morning.
    Setting intentions is essential for a healthy, calm mind. By setting an intention, you are giving yourself a purpose and a goal for the day.
    4. Write your thoughts in a journal.
    Write down everything that bothers you. Don't allow your negative to release into the world around you.
    5. Fuel your mind and body all day long.
    Eating healthy is crucial for your overall wellbeing. Nutritious food gives you energy and helps you feel good throughout the day. Fuel your body with exercise too. Fuel your mind with music, when you feel stressed. You will feel good as a result.
    Replace your stress with self-care and put your mind at easy you deserve it.

  4. this is very useful information. for example, I try to distract myself from routine work. routine work is very stressful for me. creativity is one of the best ways to distract myself. I can start or continue drawing pictures, or I can prepare delicious food. speaking of food. eating is another of the best ways to overcome depression and stress. this is especially true for sweets

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  7. Махалиева Зарият, ГиМУ 1к,1гр
    Psychologists have proven that if you do not suppress stress, then this can turn into depression. And it is always more difficult to fight depression, it takes a lot of time. I don’t know if the stress relief methods listed by the author work because I don’t use them. I never wrote down my experiences, did not meditate. I think that many in the modern world are experiencing stress, the causes of which are work, study, problems in everyday life. And to cope with this, they use various methods. I can say that I usually do not feel much stress, because my life is not filled with problems and daily work. And in my opinion, the most effective way to deal with stress is to sleep.you must first get a good night's sleep, and then take up the solution of those problems, the solution of which seemed impossible.

  8. Live for today
    "Never worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries."
    Everyday concerns are a part of our life. But don't add to today's worries the worries of tomorrow. Live in the present.
    Stress can cause feelings of anxiety and anxiety. Therefore, be aware of two truths. First, it is impossible to completely eliminate stress from life. Worrying about what you can't change will only increase your stress. Secondly, often our fears are not justified, and in fact everything is not as bad as we imagined.


  9. I think that in the modern world it is impossible to free yourself from the fuss.
    Here are a few ways to calm your mind.
    1. keep things simple
    Do not take everything to heart and worry about every little thing. Learn to calmly accept any events in your life. Imagine that you are a sieve, or a cloud, and all the stress passes through you without leaving a trace.
    2. Learn positive thinking
    If you are under stress, positive thinking will help you. Its essence is that you need to focus on positive thoughts and memories.
    3. Use switching methods
    Do you have unpleasant thoughts? Don't give them power. Switch. Shift the focus to the outside world. Observe what can please you. Focus on what you see and hear at the moment.
    4. Get rid of negative emotions
    Repressed emotions increase stress and can lead to depression. So give them a way out. Naturally, this should be done in a positive way. So as not to cause harm to others. For example, to beat pillows or do forgiveness.
    5. laugh More
    Laughter is the best stress prevention. Don't neglect it. Watch comedies, use laughter therapy, and smile at passers-by.

  10. "Emotions are made up of three elements: thoughts, physical sensations, and behavior; they do not occur in any particular order, but each of them can influence the rest, "writes Jill Hasson, a coach and author of the bestselling book"Developing emotional intelligence." In stressful situations, I often find myself before exams and eat a large amount of fruit, as it allows me to calm down, then watch all sorts of videos with a Cup of tea to cheer myself up and continue to prepare.

  11. Stress, vanity, anxiety - all this often accompanies us in the modern world. At first glance it seems that this is not very important. Usually they say: "Well, he was upset, with whom he doesn’t happen, apparently a difficult day. Soon he will calm down and everything will pass. In fact, because of such trifles, much more complex problems arise, serious diseases, etc. And it is very important to be able to not react so sharply to everything, and if something happened, it will calm down correctly. Today, there are a lot of methods to relax, find peace, gather your thoughts. I really like to write everything in a notebook, this allows me not to forget important things and then not to worry and fuss. But if this happened to me, then I just breathe deeply and often, do breathing exercises or just get distracted by something. I advise you to try.

    In stressful situations, conversations with my mother help me, who supports me in everything, but also, of course, a glass of hot tea with candy))
