четверг, 9 мая 2019 г.

Why Economics Is Called 'the Dismal Science'

11 комментариев:

  1. The information is interesting and compact , thanks for the info

  2. Tomas Carlyle,a shottish writer called economics «The dismal science« .He labeled the science dismal when he writing about slavery in the West Indies. White plantation owners he said ought to force black plantion workers to be their servants. But economics, somewhat inconveniently for Carlyle, did not offer a hearty defense of slavery. On the contrary , economics suggested leaving people alone. Then Carlyle called economies as «a dreary, desolate and distressing». Tomas could not find a justification for slavery in this science and he considered this fact to be dismal. Students of economics should be proud. Their science was a force for a more just.
