1. So who was right? Doyle or the public?
2. Was Sherlock Holmes really hackwork? Could anyone have written Holmes?
3. Or was Doyle trivializing his abilities?
2. Was Sherlock Holmes really hackwork? Could anyone have written Holmes?
3. Or was Doyle trivializing his abilities?
I think Doyle was right. Sherlock Holmes was a hack. Doyle was trivialized in his abilities. Sherlock Holmes could have been written by someone else.
ОтветитьУдалитьI think Doyle's wrong. I've read all of Arthur Conon Doyle's writings about Sherlock, and I really liked it, especially "The Valley of Fear" and "A Study in Scarlet."»
ОтветитьУдалитьЯ считаю , что Дойл ошибался. "Шерлок Холмс" -это классика детективного жанра . Я читала много книг этого жанра, но ни одна из них не сравнится Шерлоком.
ОтветитьУдалитьЭтот комментарий был удален автором.
ОтветитьУдалитьI absolutely agree that people who really have talent are too critical of themselves, they always think that they are doing everything wrong, that this is not good enough. The same thing happened with Conan Doyle. He wanted to destroy Herlock Holmes, it seemed to him that the public would get tired of him very soon and it was better for him to get rid of him. Doyle believed that he could write more serious stories. This story has gone through so many generations, millions of people are fans of this work, it is relevant at all times. I believe that no one else could write it so chic as Conan Doyle. I myself am a fan of it and just love the series shot from the book