воскресенье, 31 марта 2019 г.

Why Your Chronological Age doesn’t Tell Your Doctor Much About You

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1. Most people believe it's natural to gain weight with age. Do you agree? Why?
2. Do you think your chronological age is the same as your biological one? 

11 комментариев:

  1. 1. I don't agree with that. Increase risk for conditions such as stroke, diabetes, heart disease and cancer - it's the extra weight problem.
    2. I think that my chronological age coincides with biological.

  2. 1)No, I do not agree with this, because when you gain weight you may have health problems.

  3. 2)Yes, my chronological age completely coincides with the biological one.

  4. 1)No, I do not agree with this opinion, because the person who led a healthy lifestyle will not be overweight.
    2) Yes, I think my chronological age matches the biological one.

  5. 1. I don't agree with that.
    2. I think that my chronological age coincides with biological.

  6. No, I don’t agree with that
    Yes, I think my chronological age coincides with biological

  7. I think it's normal for people to gain weight with age. But this should not be confused with obesity.

  8. 1)I don’t agree with that
    2)my chronological age coincides with biological

  9. 1)I think it's normal for people to gain weight with age. But they should think about the fact that excess weight can cause diseases.
    2)Yes, my chronological age completely coincides with the biological one.

  10. Махалиева Зарият, ГиМУ 1к,1гр
    I absolutely disagree. I think that the age and weight of a person are in no way connected with each other. Another thing when it comes to any disease.

  11. A very interesting article, and most importantly informative. It is so sad that many young people do not look their age at all, but are much older. I think that this is more due to bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drug addiction. And at the same time, it’s nice to watch older people who you won’t give for so many years. They support a healthy lifestyle and are in a cheerful mood. As for me, they usually tell me that I don't look 19 years old, they say that I am a maximum of 16-17. To me as a girl, it is very nice.
