суббота, 23 февраля 2019 г.

Why our brains create 'false memories'

7 комментариев:

  1. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  2. "Theory of fuzzy traces" ... as I did not pay attention to it. After all, this is really the case. After one positive word, the same positive words come to mind, after a sad word - sad words. It will be necessary to think more about the positive.

  3. We cannot but agree with Reina that "... if you are a student, you should apply your knowledge not only in the test, but you must remember it for the next semester, or in a situation at work ...". I will consider this in my future life. 🤓

  4. So terribly sorry for the farmer's son ... he was punished for nothing😔😓

  5. It was interesting to learn that false memories come during interrogations thank you
