пятница, 4 января 2019 г.

Why Some Countries Are Poor and Others Rich

4 комментария:

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  2. Махалиева Зарият, ГиМУ 1к,1гр
    I completely agree with the author of this video. In addition to the reasons that the author named, there are many others. I believe that the main reason that some countries are very rich and others are very poor is because some countries were once colonies of others. This means that the inhabitants of the countries of the colonies did not work on the development of their side, but on the development of the host country. they had to pay him tribute; they had to provide people with their army. As far as I know, the countries that possessed a large number of colonies were Great Britain, Spain and Portugal. It should be noted that these countries are very rich and developed in our time.

  3. Солтаналиева Н 1к 1гр ГиМУ
    I agree with the author of this video. In fact, corruption prevails in poor states, and practically none in rich ones. Due to corruption and theft on money and poverty begins. In addition, the following factors influence the development of poverty:
    - institutions ( the state with the most developed institutions can eliminate poverty )
    - geographical location ( climate, belt, territory, living creatures )
    - religion ( since it is customary to develop spiritually in any religion and prepare to leave for a different world, rather than improve their well-being ), ect.
    All is these factors can directly affect poverty. Therefore, you need to be able to regulate them, deploy everything to your edvented.
