понедельник, 1 октября 2018 г.

Work to live or live to work?

How many of you feel that you really should be working harder? At the same time, how many of you wish you had more time to have fun and enjoy yourself? How do you solve this paradox?

6 комментариев:

  1. I think work should be fun, but work shouldn't take all our time.

  2. If you like your work, you can live for work
    But not all of the time

  3. Махалиева Зарият, ГиМУ 1к,1гр
    I belong to those people who believe that they need to work in order to live, and not live in order to work. Indeed, there are many interesting things in life that you can do besides work. I really don't understand people who think differently. After all, if you immerse yourself fully in work, then there is not even time left for the family (

  4. There's a very interesting and useful information. Before, I didn't even think about separating my rest and work time. I always sacrifice my rest time for work. I'll take a note)
